Larp osadzony jest w uniwersum znanym z gry Warhammer 40.000. W jej trakcie gracze wcielają się w role inkwizytorów oraz ich popleczników przeprowadzających proces… Jednego spośród siebie. Spodziewaj się więc licznych konfliktów, ujawniania sekretów, zdrady, herezji… A przede wszystkim brutalnego starcia wąskiego grona ludzi o najwyższym autorytecie, którzy za wszelką cenę chcą postawić na swoim.
Black Legacy jest typowym larpem kameralnym z Wielkiej Brytanii. Wszystkie postacie mają jasno wyznaczone własne cele i są powiązane ze sobą siecią relacji i wątków. Gra ma wyraźny początek i koniec. To, co wydarzy się w międzyczasie, zależy wyłącznie od sposobu, w jaki gracze zinterpretują swoje cele, lojalności i wartości.
Główną osią wydarzeń jest proces starszego inkwizytora oskarżonego o herezję, jednak wydarzenia mogą nabrać tempa, skręcić w zupełnie inną stronę i zaoferować graczom zaskakujący zwrot akcji. Należy więc spodziewać się typowej gry politycznej: negocjacji, targów, spisków i balansowania na ostrzu noża.
Autorką gry jest Alex Helm, brytyjska projektantka larpów, która tworzy gry od ponad dwudziestu lat. Większość gier Alex została zaprojektowana z myślą o konwentach fantastyki. Jej gry pojawiły się w programach wydarzeń w Wielkiej Brytanii, Europie kontynentalnej i Stanach Zjednoczonych. Alex stworzyła także popularny, długo działający weekendowy system larpowy oparty o Warhammera 40,000 o nazwie Death Unto Darkness. Oprócz larpów Alex tworzy też gry planszowe, a jej teksty pojawiły się w antologii Seven Wonders wydanej przez Pelgrane Press. Alex jest totalnym nerdem, szaloną miłośniczką kotów i sankcjonowanym inkwizytorem Imperium Człowieka.
O Uniwersum Warhammera 40 000
Na potrzeby gry autorka przygotowała krótkie kompendium dotyczące świata gry. Można je pobrać POD TYM LINKIEM.
Lista wakatów
Grand High Inquisitor Olivandus
The head of the Inquisition for the entire sector has a huge amount to bear on their shoulders. Feeling their extreme age, Olivandus must manage the bickering factions and avoid being ousted by ambitious underlings.
Ordo Xenos
High Inquisitor Tamarr
The head of the Ordo Xenos, Tamarr is one of the most experienced inquisitors in the sector with a legendary reputation for tackling alien threats head-on. But how far will Tamarr go for the sake of ambition?
Tech-Adept Uppenheim
A young acolyte of the Adeptus Mechanicus who has been serving as High Inquisitor Tamarr’s assistant. Keen and ambitious, but easily distracted by interesting puzzles and new discoveries.
Inquisitor Reginus
A staunchly puritan by-the-book inquisitor, who sees everything in black and white terms and believes all heresy should be quashed, and no deviance should be tolerated, no matter the cost!
Tags: Puritan, fanatic, ambitious
Excruciator Feodor
Feodor is a master of interrogation and serves a vital role in the ranks of the Inquisition. Having perfected the craft, Feodor can get answers out of anyone, but is keen to put their skills to the ultimate test.
Tags: Torture, professional, scary
Inquisitor Merrinol
A young, recently-appointed inquisitor who is keen to prove themself in front of their more experienced colleagues. Will they see the truth that others miss?
Tags: Novice, idealistic, questioning
Ordo Malleus
High Inquisitor Illithin
Ancient, grizzled and experienced, Illithin has led the Ordo Malleus for a very long time. But has coming into contact with so many daemons had any affect?
Tags: Veteran, ritual, secrets
Inquisitor Sable
A legendary daemonhunter, known for their courage and fighting prowess. Widely known as a hero of the Imperium.
Tags: Heroic, warrior, rivals
Inquisitor Valanthas
A young up-and-coming inquisitor who is known for embracing controversial methods. Some consider Valanthas to already be a heretic.
Tags: Ambitious, radical, pragmatic
Inquisitor Mallorix
An unassuming inquisitor who prefers to focus on the job rather than seek the limelight. Mallorix is known for being a highly capable detective.
Tags: Investigation, rivalry, competence
Governor Kolovka
The planetary leader of Nixxus who has been conscripted into Inquisitorial service, Kolovka is known for liking the finer things in life.
Tags: Political, conscription, sibling rivalry
Ordo Hereticus
High Inquisitor Geaz
The head of the Ordo Hereticus is known for being a seer who receives visions from the God-Emperor Himself.
Tags: Psyker, duty, ritual
Inquisitor Kaei Sel’dir
A renowned witchfinder, whose mere name causes terror in unsanctioned psykers across the sector. Sel’dir prefers focusing on getting the job done to political bickering.
Tags: Dutiful, rivalry, detective
Inquisitor Cassius
A brash inquisitor who often feels overlooked and is determined to make a name for themself. Cassis has recently scored a success by being the one to arrest a notorious fallen inquisitor.
Tags: Ambition, power dynamic, desperation
Adept Kolovka
A sanctioned psyker who was once the heir to a great legacy but got sent to the Black Ships instead. Kolovka is currently enslaved to Inquisitor Cassius.
Tags: Psyker, slave, sibling rivalry
Inquisitor Mordeki Darion
A highly experienced inquisitor with a very tough moral decision on their hands. Darion needs to get everyone to focus on the task at hand.
Tags: Diplomacy, moral dilemma, justice
Interrogator Justinius
Once a member of the Imperial Guard, Justinius has since been recruited to serve as the apprentice of Inquisitor Darion.
Tags: Soldier, apprentice, ethics
Magos Ince
An ancient and proud tech-priest from the Adeptus Mechanicus. Magos Ince is mostly machine now, and it is a debate as to how much humanity they have left.
Tags: Tech, mysterious, lost humanity
Acolyte Olthor
One of the three apprentices of the condemned Inquisitor, Raven Black. Olthos is a former underhive orphan thrust into the powerful world of the Inquisition.
Tags: On trial, ambitious, secrets
Acolyte Dagenius
One of the three apprentices of Raven Black. Dagenius’s past is unknown, but they have personal ties to the condemned inquisitor.
Tags: On trial, family, strange origins
Commissar von Marsch
One of the three apprentices of Raven Black. A proud imperial commissar conscripted into the Inquisition and now put on trial. Von Marsch frequently wonders where their life went wrong.
Tags: Military, duty, divided loyalties